13 October 2009

USA Yesterday?

The Wall Street Journal has pushed aside USA Today to become the biggest newspaper in the United States, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulation last week. The results show that USA Today recorded a paid circulation of 1.88 million in a six-month period this year ending in September. The Wall Street Journal had a paid circulation of 2.02 million copies in the same period of time. More information can be found at Ad Age.

USA Today's circulation has decreased from 2.33 million since the financial downfall began last year. In response, some of the decrease can be traced to vacant hotel rooms that would have otherwise been greeted by copies of USA Today in the mornings. It is interesting that the WSJ, widely considered to be the most conservative of the national papers, has become largest during the reign of a liberal president. The growth in circulation during these rough times for the press is a commendable feat, and one that will hopefully contribute to the balance between liberal and conservative powers reporting today's news.