A religious tone to professional writing
Many professional writers take on politics, science, and other concrete topics. Today, my regards go to a man that attempts the abstract. A man by the name of Donald Miller. His book is called Blue Like Jazz.
Miller writes spiritual books that probe our consciousness for something beyond our understanding. A subtitle on the cover of his book states nonreligious thoughts on Christian spirituality. This book simply contains his thoughts. But they manage to portray a different perspective to Christianity in society today.
Blue Like Jazz is a refreshing look into the faith life of a writer who has the same struggles and problems in life as anyone else. But he's found a way to move past those struggles. He lives a Christian life, today.
In a nation considered "Christian" by the media, I find it difficult to believe that the majority of Americans would be considered practicing Christians by the leaders of the Church. Reading the Bible has become less and less of a practice because frankly, it's quite difficult to understand.
But that's where professional writers like Donald Miller come into the picture. He takes his religious studies and his knowledge of the Bible - - and passes that on to the reader. He puts the stuff that was preached and discussed over two thousand years ago into words we can understand today. Without writers like Miller, some Christians would be lost in their faith, and in their lives.
So for those Christians who can pick up a Bible and understand every word and every meaning, this isn't for you.
But for the rest of us...